The team at OCSI has been working tirelessly over the last two years to bring the updated Local Insight platform to life. There are so many great updates to Local Insight that will make your experience using the platform more enjoyable. Subscribers will be able to learn more about the features mentioned by clicking the links below, which will send you straight to the relevant Help Centre article.
Here are some of the improvements our team is most excited by!
“I’m excited by the custom data uploads. In the software I use, it’s always this type of function that delivers the best value for me as a user. Being able to adapt a tool with your own information is such a great asset – and with the new user interface for this, it looks really impressive!”
Gael Beddoes, Finance Manager
Find out more about Custom Data in Local Insight.
Start using Custom Data in Local Insight [subscriber content]
“It’s saving custom dashboards on a per user basis for me. I know it is something that lots of people have been asking for! It will help individual users tailor Local Insight to their needs and save them loads of time.”
Flo Pollock, User Support Manager and Product Owner
Learn how to save your dashboards [subscriber content]
“Reports are now generated instantly, this is a great improvement as it means users no longer need to wait a few minutes to see and share the data.”
Hon Mond Ng, Developer
“Being able to share the HTML reports is great – and means that more people will be able to benefit from them.”
Ben Summerhayes, Head of Tech
Learn how to share reports [subscriber content] (PS – this is even more useful if you have a public site!)
“I’m excited about the ability to build custom reports. It offers much more flexibility to our users in choosing what information is relevant for them.”
Ben Mason, Data Researcher
“The dynamic nature of the reports! Data automatically updates to the latest timepoints and the reports include dynamic text, which provides analysis around the data. On top of this, users can interact with the visualisations and download data within the reports too. It all means that users can have a more rich experience with the reports.”
Katie Leach, Researcher
Learn how to build a custom report [subscriber content]
“I really like the GeoJson importer. It is a big improvement to the previous Shapefile Importer as it gives the user more information about the areas they are loading in upfront and the opportunity to fix any errors as they go.”
Alex McLean, Senior Developer
Learn how to use the GeoJson importer [subscriber content]
“I am most excited about ward geographies being better integrated into Local Insight – users can view ward level data on the choropleth maps and it is now much easier to create wards as custom areas by selecting from a dropdown list. Wards are used extensively by our Local Authority and Community Foundation partners and this will help save them time and allow them to get on with the analysis about their areas.”
Stefan Noble, Head of Research
Learn more about viewing ward level data on the map [subscriber content]
“I’m most excited about what it means for the future as the new platform makes it much easier for us to develop new functionality. Our users have lots of suggestions about what would make Local Insight better – and it will be great to be able to consider more of these, more quickly!
Jasmine Reeve, User Support Officer
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