Import your service data into Local Insight and view as point locations on the map. You could display locations of GPs, schools, libraries, community centres or projects you have funded.
You can categorise your data and select what appears on the map, to really hone in on the things that matter to you.
For each individual point you load in, you can add supporting information to provide your users with more detail, whether that is an address, contact details or link to a website.
Select from a range of icon shapes and colours to create visually interesting community asset maps for your organisation.
There are no restrictions on the number of services you can import into Local Insight. However, we have some restrictions on the number you can view simultaneously on the Map – just to make it a more pleasant user experience.
For Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT), reliable data is essential in identifying areas…
Luton Borough is a very diverse town, with a population of around…
West Sussex County Council, in collaboration with NHS partners and District Council…
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation is a leading independent health foundation. They…