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Your data

Integrate the place-based data you collect

Generate further insights about the communities you work with by quickly and easily importing the data you have on them.

Supports a range of geographies

You can include any data you collect, from postcode level all the way up to the local authority level.

Easy import process

All you need to provide is two columns of data; we do the rest.

Aggregates to your custom areas

Your data will be calculated for the custom areas that you create in Local Insight, enabling you to analyse the data more effectively.

Visualise and compare

Create impactful visuals that compare your imported data with all of the pre-loaded data in Local Insight for extra insight into your local context.

Your data FAQs

To import data into Local Insight you need to have geographic data (eg. a postcode) and numeric data.

You can create datasets that are summed (eg. total number of library members) or that are averaged (eg. average house prices).

You can also import binary data into the system.

The smallest level at which you can upload data is postcode level. However, depending on the data you are uploading, this could still lead to individuals being identifiable.

We recommend that you consider the sensitivity of the data you are working with before uploading it to Local Insight.

From our side, we do not store any postcode data you upload on our servers.

Yes – and we encourage you to be as detailed as possible to best support your colleagues in understanding and interpreting your data.

Yes, there are options to add to an existing data or overwrite the data that is there, depending on your needs.


Using Local Insight to support the delivery of Hertfordshire Sports Partnership’s Holiday Activity and Food programme

Hertfordshire Sport Partnership (HSP) is a key partner in coordinating Hertfordshire’s Holiday…