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Identify local need

Local Insight features a wide range of data analysis tools for any area you care about to help highlight areas most in need

Integrate grant-making data

Get a fuller picture of how funding matches local need and help identify priority areas

Inform your decisions

Back up the knowledge you have of your local area with reliable data

Influence stakeholders

Support applicants in their funding bids and attract funding from donors

Needs analysis

Identify priority issues in your areas

Local Insight provides a huge range of data covering social, economic and demographic themes.

Compare how different areas fare

Creating areas is quick, easy and flexible – making it really easy to see how your neighbourhoods and benchmark areas compare through maps, dashboards and reports.

Deep dive into particular issues

Use choropleth maps and custom dashboards to uncover hidden needs in your areas.

Analyse your grant making data

Map where you have funded projects

Display points on the map so that you can see the projects you have funded at a glance.

Identify funding cold spots

Upload your grant making data into Local Insight to help identify funding cold spots.

Compare funding rounds over time

Build up trend data over time for your grant making to highlight any patterns and changes.

Demonstrate your impact

Show you are funding the areas most in need

Compare your own funding data, with relevant indicators of need through maps and dashboards to show your funding is supporting areas most in need.

Show your commitment to data-led decision making

Local Insight helps add credibility through consistent use of robust, quality data.

Back up your qualitative data

Use data to back up the stories you hear from beneficiaries for a more impactful narrative.

Case studies

Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation tackle urban health with Local Insight

Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation is a leading independent health foundation. They…

Case studies

Support grant assessment and attract funding with Local Insight

Sussex Community Foundation is one of the 46 community foundations across the…