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Explore more trend data with Bespoke Report Themes

Local Insight subscribers can now work with us to design their own Bespoke Report Themes as an add-on to their subscription.

One example of how subscribers could take advantage of this new functionality is to help them in historical trend data exploration.

Bespoke Report Themes provide an easy way to access trend data in an engaging and easy to understand format. The Reports feature presentation-ready visuals, saving you time and effort.

You can use the same Report Theme time and time again, for as many areas as you like, and data is automatically updated when new timepoints become available – providing excellent value for money.

We’ll work with you to create a Report Theme that shows how the indicators you are interested in have changed over time to support your evaluation of services and impact measurement.

The Report Theme would feature a series of line charts, each depicting the trajectory of a key indicator over time – whether that’s job density, crime rate, or population changes.

Here is an example historical trend Report for you to explore.

If this sounds useful to you, talk to one of our team about your needs so that you can:

  • Easily spot significant upward or downward trends over extended periods
  • Recognise recurring patterns or variations to predict future changes
  • Assess the real-world impacts of past policy interventions and initiatives
  • Gain robust historical insights to inform strategic planning and resource allocation

Find out more

Email us at to discuss your needs and to receive a quote.

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